Sunday, March 20, 2022

Brotherly Love

Keagan was injured in Monday night’s soccer game. He left the game on crutches after his kneecap popped and slid out of place. I ran onto the field to see to him because he was writhing on the pitch and in very obvious pain. Evan followed me down a few minutes later to check on him before Keagan was whisked away in the trainer’s cart. That night Evan drove Keagan’s truck back home and knowing Keagan wouldn’t be able to work this week and make any money to buy gas, he stopped at the gas station to fill up the truck. Tuesday I kept Keagan at home to help reduce the swelling. Evan made him breakfast and lunch. Wednesday he drove Keagan to school - even though Keagan’s injury doesn’t preclude him from driving. These guys are the best of friends! It’s been so good for both of them to be together this week. 

Evan will be back in three weeks for Easter. They are already planning more of this.

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