Saturday, March 12, 2022

March Madness

Keagan and I have had the week off for spring break. We had lunch at a new downtown Italian market / restaurant, we had brunch at his favorite butcher shop, and we had kolaches from the local bakery. I cleaned, made the leader board at the gym, did our taxes, and read three books. Keagan played Fifa, played pick up games at the church gym, and went to soccer training. We watched premier league games and wished we were in Tampa for the SEC tourney. I got a sunburn Thursday sitting poolside and went to bed Friday night with snow falling. 

We cheered for the Vols Friday afternoon. Evan made it home for his spring break on Friday night, and we watched Vandy almost pull off the upset. 

This morning we awoke to this. 

We are hunkered down in the house avoiding the bitter cold and going to do what we know best: eat and watch sports. 

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