Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My Friday Night Lights

This is my Friday Night Lights on a Wednesday. I have been looking forward to this game all day! So much so that I texted this to Keagan today during my lunch break. 
The start of the game was rough. Like 30 minutes rough. I felt like we needed another round of prayers because God didn’t seem to hear the first one led by #0.

We won 5-2, though, and earned another three points to climb one more place in the standings. Keagan delivered an assist tonight that scored our third goal! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Episode #2:The Life if a College Freshman

In today’s episode of Life as a College Freshman, we explored controlled substances. 

Evan: Is it drug abuse for ppl to use adderall to get hw done? Literally everyone is doing that but it seems kinda suspect 

Me: It is for you because you don’t have a RX. 

Wes: It’s a crime. Taking a controlled substance not prescribed to you is illegal. 

Evan: Ya I figured but I didn’t know if adderall could be used like asprin or something like that without a prescription. 


Man, I thought I had done a fairly good job of preparing him for college. I didn’t realize I had to explain Adderall is not candy. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Weekend on the Road

I love weekends on the road when you see and do so much, you totally forget about work and the drudgery of the daily routine. Friday night took us to East Tennessee. We were up bright and early Saturday for a college tour of a small Christian school with a great D2 soccer program. 

Keagan loved its proximity to Knox, the assortment of outdoor activities, and the small town feel. The athletic facilities weren’t bad either. 

Saturday afternoon we met up with Evan and Makinley in Knoxville for a late lunch. I love Market Square and downtown Knoxville. 

Right before I snapped this pic, Evan told me Mak loves his mustache (which I know is not true). Who could? 

We drove the UTK campus because Keagan had not been yet, and we both got a tour of the frat house. Keagan was in a bit of a shock with the size of the campus after touring a much, much smaller school. 

Then it was game time. Keagan had a state league game just a mile from campus. Evan came to cheer on his little bro. We racked up another win and climbed in the standings. 

Saturday night we hit the road again for Chattanooga. We woke up Sunday morning ready for state league game #2. 

It ended in a very disappointing 2-2 tie. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Day in the Life of a College Freshman

In today’s episode of Life as a College Freshman, we explored programs of study. 

Evan: I think I might change my major first semester going into sophomore year. I can’t do these sciences for 6 years. 

Me: What are you thinking about doing instead?

Evan: Either marketing or electrical engineering

Me: 😮 You do know electrical engineering is a type of science, right? 

Evan: (crickets)

Friday, September 17, 2021

HoCo 2021

This is the third HoCo for these two. Madi is more beautiful with every passing year. 

This is the first year HoCo hasn’t conflicted with a soccer game, so we were able to get pics with the full friend group. 

The kiddos had dinner at the club, attended the dance at the school, and then made their way to after parties. Football was not part of their plan; the Texan in me just died a little. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

JR vs SR Olympics

Homecoming week is an exciting week! The kids have dress up days, spirit day, the homecoming court elections, a football game, and a Friday night dance. The fun activities have resumed this year after a brief hiatus last fall. Today was Olympic Games. The junior class was swept in the JR vs SR Olympics. 

Not sure the meaning behind the four fingers / gang signs, but the guys, despite being super competitive, don’t look too upset that they lost. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

She Said Yes

This year’s event will be the third Homecoming Dance that Madi and Keagan have attended together. It has been no surprise; we’ve had the date on the calendar since August. She bought her dress weeks ago; we bought new pants yesterday at Target. She bought new shoes last week; we ordered Keagan’s shoes from Amazon last night. They have been discussing color combinations and pant colors for weeks. While it was assumed they were going together, Madi still wanted the formal proposal. 

Keagan obliged with this sweet proposal.

She said yes! (Now let’s hope his shoes arrive in time.) 

Monday, September 6, 2021

USA, USA, USA!! 🦅🇺🇸🗽

We have had tickets to the US / Canada World Cup qualifier game for weeks, if not months. The US fans from all over the Southeast did not disappoint; patriotism and solidarity were evident everywhere! 

We were super excited to see Pulisic play (he missed his free kick here) as we haven’t seen him in play in person before, but Canada’s defense did a great job of keeping him contained. Evan was even more excited to  see Davies on the Canadian team play. (We thought he stayed in Germany for the players’ break.) Keagan was underwhelmed with the game ending tie. I’m sure the guys in front of us, who didn’t fully understand soccer, were wishing the walking ESPN stats guy would be quiet because Keagan provided commentary for the full 2.5 hours we were there. 

As we were walking back to the car, Evan said, “It’s amazing that the most powerful nation in the world can’t field a successful soccer team, but third world countries where players play barefoot on asphalt and drink contaminated water can.” Keagan’s response, “It’s not about skill. It’s all heart. You can beat skilled teams if you play with heart.” Truth.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

High School Football Rivalry

While Wes and I were in Nashville for the NSC game, Keagan and Madi were at the biggest football game of the season. 

The local newspaper had these photos on its site this morning. 

We lost 9-10. Keagan woke up with no voice and super bummed we didn’t come home with the coveted shield. I’m so thankful the kids are experiencing the great high school moments that have been canceled in years past. 

He Made It

Evan surprised us and came home for the Labor Day weekend. He met us in Nashville Friday night at the stadium for a soccer game. 

I’m happy to have him home - so happy that I don’t mind spending all weekend in the kitchen cooking, washing his laundry, or cleaning up after him. 

But this guy is probably the happiest of us all. 

We were up till 1:00 telling stories, catching up, and trading news. The dining situation at college is so dire, my boy has lost seven pounds. He was relieved to shower in a mold-less bathroom and to eat something other than a sub sandwich. Minus a quick gym class this morning, he has been asleep all day today. He plans to spend all evening on the couch watching football. 

I’ll be right next to him. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

It’s Game Day

Classes are canceled. Tailgate parties have begun. The campus is a sea of orange. It’s game day!! The campus exudes school spirit; this is exactly what Evan has wanted out of the college experience.  Out of state parents are in an uproar that classes were put on hold today. I want to remind them UT is in the SEC. Football is a religion in the South. 

Evan is wearing this in hopes of making the Jumbotron. 

We are watching the game from the couch, but those seeing it in person say the stadium is the loudest it has been in recent memory.

I’m so thankful that a sense of normalcy has returned to college campuses and students can watch the game in person. GBO! 🧡🍊🏈