Sunday, September 26, 2021

Weekend on the Road

I love weekends on the road when you see and do so much, you totally forget about work and the drudgery of the daily routine. Friday night took us to East Tennessee. We were up bright and early Saturday for a college tour of a small Christian school with a great D2 soccer program. 

Keagan loved its proximity to Knox, the assortment of outdoor activities, and the small town feel. The athletic facilities weren’t bad either. 

Saturday afternoon we met up with Evan and Makinley in Knoxville for a late lunch. I love Market Square and downtown Knoxville. 

Right before I snapped this pic, Evan told me Mak loves his mustache (which I know is not true). Who could? 

We drove the UTK campus because Keagan had not been yet, and we both got a tour of the frat house. Keagan was in a bit of a shock with the size of the campus after touring a much, much smaller school. 

Then it was game time. Keagan had a state league game just a mile from campus. Evan came to cheer on his little bro. We racked up another win and climbed in the standings. 

Saturday night we hit the road again for Chattanooga. We woke up Sunday morning ready for state league game #2. 

It ended in a very disappointing 2-2 tie. 

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