Monday, September 6, 2021

USA, USA, USA!! 🦅🇺🇸🗽

We have had tickets to the US / Canada World Cup qualifier game for weeks, if not months. The US fans from all over the Southeast did not disappoint; patriotism and solidarity were evident everywhere! 

We were super excited to see Pulisic play (he missed his free kick here) as we haven’t seen him in play in person before, but Canada’s defense did a great job of keeping him contained. Evan was even more excited to  see Davies on the Canadian team play. (We thought he stayed in Germany for the players’ break.) Keagan was underwhelmed with the game ending tie. I’m sure the guys in front of us, who didn’t fully understand soccer, were wishing the walking ESPN stats guy would be quiet because Keagan provided commentary for the full 2.5 hours we were there. 

As we were walking back to the car, Evan said, “It’s amazing that the most powerful nation in the world can’t field a successful soccer team, but third world countries where players play barefoot on asphalt and drink contaminated water can.” Keagan’s response, “It’s not about skill. It’s all heart. You can beat skilled teams if you play with heart.” Truth.

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