It’s a super sad weekend for me. School begins again for me this week, and I must say good-bye to pool days, hours with a book in my hand, and alarm free mornings. I wrapped up my last day the very best way possible - watching Keagan play soccer.

Camp was called early due to stormy weather. Wes met us in Asheville, and he was tagged it for the final school visit on Monday.
Keagan is only looking at schools with soccer programs. Today’s tour took him to Mars Hill University.

This school is much smaller than the last two schools we visited, and it certainly lacks the wow factor of HPU and the beauty of UNCA. However, Keagan really just wants to find a school and coach that will let him play soccer.

While we most certainly research each school’s degree programs and while we want a first hand look at the soccer facilities, housing options are just as important to Keagan. Our very first school visit at Union will be hard to beat in that area. In my eyes, HPU is hard to beat academically. UNCA’s population and location in the mountains is by far the best college environment.
He still has plenty of time and a full list of more schools to visit. However, visits are on hold because the very best season is upon us - travel ball season!