Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Dude Date

Keagan has school on Friday and is unable to go with us to Knoxville to move Evan into his dorm. Today the boys enjoyed their last day together in the city. They played Top Golf, had lunch at Pucketts, and then came home to swim. 

A little water basketball goes a long way. 

I may have a difficult time saying good-bye on Friday, but Keagan is going to miss Evan terribly. Today was good for them. 

I’ve been so caught up with making sure Evan has everything he needs (dozens of Amazon boxes have been delivered in the last month) that I totally forgot high school existed. I realized tonight that Keagan has no school supplies for his first full day tomorrow. 😳. I was scrounging through drawers at 8:00 to find some pens and post-its. Tonight he asked, “Mom, can you sign these forms for school? You know that place I go to every day called high school.” Two days. In two days he will have my full attention and then wish I had forgotten high school existed. 

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