Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Adventures Continue

We slept in today and had brunch at the cutest place in Carmel. Keagan said his French toast rivaled that big plate of pancakes he had at the Pancake Factory last winter. I splurged and got the mimosa with my omelet.

We drove through the downtown art district just to take it all in one more time. The charm is unmistakeable.

I’m dressed in layers again today because our game is outdoors. The car reads the temp is 32 degrees, but it’s flashing the warning of snow on the ground. No snow...yet, but the roads are treated as if it is expected any hour now. The real feel is 26 degrees.

I’m hanging out in the car as long as I possibly can, and then I’m throwing on another layer and carrying my blankets to the field. 

We beat Michigan 3-2. (Look at his leg muscles - clearly he has the legs of a soccer player.) Keagan got in trouble by the center ref for calling the game while playing the game. I guess that’s frowned upon up north. 😂

I loved everything about this venue but the temperature. I give it 5 stars and would recommend again. What a weekend! 

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