Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve! We started the day handing out food for the annual Warm Souls event. It was cold as all get out. Evan lucked out with a job inside a big delivery truck while the rest of us stood in the freezing temps. However, the recipients were so grateful, so the cold wasn’t a real bother. 

I needed a quick lunch that I could put together while I prepped the potatoes for soup. After the gym this morning, I picked up a few things for a charcuterie board. 

I impressed myself, but I did not impress the boys. “That’s not lunch; that’s a snack.” And “That's a fancy lunchable from Publix.” Jeesh! These guys are so hard to please. I sure hope Santa has better luck pleasing them tomorrow.

The traditions continued all day long. We attended the candlelight Christmas Eve service at church; we ate potato soup and sausage balls for dinner. We opened a few family gifts. 

Keagan got a monitor; he may never leave his room again. 

Merry Christmas Eve! Santa comes tonight!

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