Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years Eve

Had I known we would have a party of six at our house tonight for New Years Eve, I would have planned for food, 2021 decor, and some party hats. Instead we had left over asparagus, Christmas decor, and NBA league pass. 

We pulled out some board games for old fashioned family fun. There were very few fireworks in the neighborhood this year - just enough to send Ryker into hiding - and no New Years show in Nashville to watch on tv. 

And at 10:30 Wes went to bed, I read a book, and the kids watched a movie. Happy 2021! May the new year bring us all joy, good health, and adventure.

Texas, Sweet Texas

This what it looks like when 40 something year olds try to take a selfie. Laughs are guaranteed with my Texas girls! I’m crossing my fingers we get our girls’ trip this year.

This what it looks like when your boys are in their happy places in Texas. 

This what 94 years of life look like in Texas. 

This what a Texas legacy looks like. 

Oh how I miss my Texas family and friends. 

Goodbye 2020

Today we prepare to say good-bye to 2020. There is so much we can claim as good in a year that was unusual at best, sad at times, and full of disappointment at others. 

Evan learned to fish. During our first quarantine, he took it upon himself to spend time outdoors at the local rivers. He caught these bass in East Texas, cleaned them with the help of his uncle Jamie, and ate them with a bit of lemon juice and Cajun seasoning. 

Keagan set a goal of playing soccer in college. He created a YouTube channel to highlight his talent, and just this week he started working with I-Movie to create a highlight film. 

Wes taught himself how to play guitar, took online guitar classes, and bought enough equipment to have a “band room.” 

I joined a gym last January and lost 25 pounds - 30 pounds on a good day. I’ve learned to run again, and I have muscle in my arms. I’ve never felt better. 

We have big travel plans for 2021. I’m hoping to finally get to Peru, see a national park or two, and go to the beach. We will celebrate Evan’s graduation in May, he will choose a university, and we will move him into the dorms in August. Here’s to a wonderful start to a new year!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!🎄

Santa came! It was the Christmas of technology. Both boys got laptops - the school issued Lenovas just can’t get us through remote learning. Keagan also needed to up the ante with something that could make highlight videos. It will take Evan six months to get used to something new, so I decided he better get a head start before he leaves for school. 

Both boys got new shoes and Keagan had to take in the new shoe smell. 

Keagan got a mini fridge. Oh, the excitement on his face! Worth every penny! He has it stocked already with pumpkin roll, fruit, and drinks. 

Evan got fishing gear - waders, a fishing scale, and pliers. He’s pretty serious about his fishin’. 

Both boys got ice scrapers. Keagan took his out of his stocking and confusingly said, “Hummm, a back scratcher?” Then he asked, “Is is a pooper scooper?” Evan said, “Dude! It’s an ice scraper! There’s no excuse now - you’re going to school.”

The fun didn’t stop with the ice scraper. I put a travel grooming set in the stockings, and Keagan said, “A murder kit? It’s got knives and sharp things that could do some harm!” 

Evan and Makinley swapped gifts this afternoon. Looks like they got some matching Christmas lounge pants.

Next up on our agenda? Nothing! A day on the couch is in store for us.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve! We started the day handing out food for the annual Warm Souls event. It was cold as all get out. Evan lucked out with a job inside a big delivery truck while the rest of us stood in the freezing temps. However, the recipients were so grateful, so the cold wasn’t a real bother. 

I needed a quick lunch that I could put together while I prepped the potatoes for soup. After the gym this morning, I picked up a few things for a charcuterie board. 

I impressed myself, but I did not impress the boys. “That’s not lunch; that’s a snack.” And “That's a fancy lunchable from Publix.” Jeesh! These guys are so hard to please. I sure hope Santa has better luck pleasing them tomorrow.

The traditions continued all day long. We attended the candlelight Christmas Eve service at church; we ate potato soup and sausage balls for dinner. We opened a few family gifts. 

Keagan got a monitor; he may never leave his room again. 

Merry Christmas Eve! Santa comes tonight!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas Tradition

Our holiday traditions continue, despite our being in the midst of state imposed restrictions. Things just look a bit different this year. Namely, reservations and masks are required at the Gaylord this year.

The crowds were non-existent this year. It was so wonderful! But the Christmas decorations and poinsettias were as beautiful as ever. 

Lunch at the Bierhaus wrapped up our day in the city. 

Meanwhile, Evan and Makinley drove to Alabama to tour UAB. Their access to the school was limited due to winter break, but it was good for Evan to see another campus as he tries to make a decision for next fall. It’s all so exciting for him - and me!

College Tour

We spent our first day of winter break touring Belmont University in the beautiful city of Nashville.

We got a tour of the school, a close up look at the simulation labs utilized by nursing and pt students, and got to meet one of deans in the health science department. We now know why Belmont is home of the Bruins and the history behind the gazebos on campus. They once housed real bears!

After the tour, we ate a great Cajun lunch in the Hillsboro neighborhood. Then we drove to 12th Ave South for a picture at the iconic I Believe mural. 

Evan’s still mum on where he might go to school in the fall. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Acceptance #5

Acceptance letter #5 arrived this week, along with a $28,000 scholarship. If you had asked me a year ago if UT was even being considered, I would have said no. Five years ago, I would have said heck no. But here we are. 

Next step should be an official tour of the UT campus. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas Communion

Tonight was Christmas communion; it’s one of my favorite holiday traditions. This year the girls went with us. 

Our crew was so good looking, the entire church turned their heads when we entered the church. 😂

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Keagan Funny

Keagan: I can’t go to school today. There’s ice on my truck. 

Me: Turn the defroster on high heat and wait a few minutes.

Keagan: The ice isn’t on the inside; it’s on the outside. 

Y’all. I can’t even. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Admission Counselors Have Me Going Hummm

These college admissions counselors really have me perplexed. If I performed my job like they perform theirs, there wouldn’t be anyone from my classes going to college. 

Today we got a letter from an unnamed school that congratulated Evan for his $14000 scholarship. However, he never received an acceptance letter. Did we miss something? We checked unopened emails,  and we turned up with nothing. This made the whole family go hummm. 

You can see how much Evan thought of the offer. So I guess this makes four acceptance letters - two more to go. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Snail Mail

This came in the mail today for Evan. He hasn’t been 18 but for 30 days, and the credit card companies are already looking for him. I tore that application up before he got home from soccer to see it. Wes thought that was a great idea, too, because well, we know all about the credit card debt you can (hypothetically of course) rack up while in college. 

We did open this piece of mail from UAB. Evan was awarded an annual scholarship of $12,000 for a total of $48,000. This was expected because it’s based on his ACT score, but certainly exciting to have confirmed. Where will he decide to go next fall? Decisions, decisions.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Saint Nicholas

St. Nicholas arrived this morning; he’s a day late. Blame it on Covid (or our trip to Indiana). The boys would never remember if I didn’t, so it’s all good. We have chosen to forego the use of shoes. If you were close up and could smell them, I’m sure you’d agree. 

So gift bags are our go to. Evan took the candy on the way out the door for school; he’s got the breakfast of champions right there.

Keagan isn’t allowed at school (he’s in “quarantine” for possible Covid contact), and after this weekend’s physically grueling schedule, he said he planned to spend all day today in bed. 

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Adventures Continue

We slept in today and had brunch at the cutest place in Carmel. Keagan said his French toast rivaled that big plate of pancakes he had at the Pancake Factory last winter. I splurged and got the mimosa with my omelet.

We drove through the downtown art district just to take it all in one more time. The charm is unmistakeable.

I’m dressed in layers again today because our game is outdoors. The car reads the temp is 32 degrees, but it’s flashing the warning of snow on the ground. No snow...yet, but the roads are treated as if it is expected any hour now. The real feel is 26 degrees.

I’m hanging out in the car as long as I possibly can, and then I’m throwing on another layer and carrying my blankets to the field. 

We beat Michigan 3-2. (Look at his leg muscles - clearly he has the legs of a soccer player.) Keagan got in trouble by the center ref for calling the game while playing the game. I guess that’s frowned upon up north. 😂

I loved everything about this venue but the temperature. I give it 5 stars and would recommend again. What a weekend! 

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Adventures With Mom

My soccer weekends with Keagan will be some of my favorite memories in the years to come. From learning you don’t turn right on red in North Carolina to learning how to maneuver the round abouts in Indiana to evasive driving techniques in Tennessee when being “followed” by sketch cars with one headlight, you never know what you might encounter next when you are with us. His commentary keeps me laughing. I haven’t laughed this hard since our last trip.

We played indoors today at the absolute best facility. It was seriously the most modern and inclusive facility I have ever experienced. We played a local team from Indiana and came away with a 5-2 win. 

After a quick lunch and naps, we headed downtown to tour Butler. It was just meh. 

We stopped for dessert at Cake Bake, where the cake slices are small but cost as if you bought an entire cake. It didn’t matter the cost, it was so good! But Keagan has definitive opinions about small portion sizes. Just ask him. 

Next we tried to find a place for dinner. We inadvertently drove through the bus lane, we took the block a couple of times to find a coveted parking spot, and went the wrong way on a one way. We finally arrived at a local spot in the Broad Ripple neighborhood. We made quite the entrance when I tripped over the curb and debated for a good minute about whether we should wait inside or outside to be seated. All the while, Keagan muttered, “Adventures with Mom never cease to amaze.You can always count on something happening.” 

After dinner he suggested we spice up our Saturday night at “Books and Brews.” The sign outside said where “people drink, read, and converse.” Keagan said that sounded like the worst possible combo, so we settled for the hotel room and football. 

And his eye? Well it looks worse than it actually feels. Tomorrow we play Michigan. Let’s cross our fingers for another win.