Today we prepare to say good-bye to 2020. There is so much we can claim as good in a year that was unusual at best, sad at times, and full of disappointment at others.
Evan learned to fish. During our first quarantine, he took it upon himself to spend time outdoors at the local rivers. He caught these bass in East Texas, cleaned them with the help of his uncle Jamie, and ate them with a bit of lemon juice and Cajun seasoning.

Keagan set a goal of playing soccer in college. He created a YouTube channel to highlight his talent, and just this week he started working with I-Movie to create a highlight film.

Wes taught himself how to play guitar, took online guitar classes, and bought enough equipment to have a “band room.”
I joined a gym last January and lost 25 pounds - 30 pounds on a good day. I’ve learned to run again, and I have muscle in my arms. I’ve never felt better.

We have big travel plans for 2021. I’m hoping to finally get to Peru, see a national park or two, and go to the beach. We will celebrate Evan’s graduation in May, he will choose a university, and we will move him into the dorms in August. Here’s to a wonderful start to a new year!