Sunday, January 21, 2018

Weekend Sports Update

Basketball season came to a close today for Keagan’s middle school team. They lost in round one of the district playoffs. I’m not sure I want to commemorate a losing season, but one day the losses will mean nothing and we will remember middle school basketball with fondness.

At least seeing the boys dressed like this on game days will be remembered with fondness.

We only won three games the entire season, so losing by six to the second seed was actually quite the accomplishment. Keagan assured me next year is the year. He said that this year, though, too.

He won’t let anyone forget he started as a seventh grader and was the only seventh grader to get any playing time in varsity games. 

Meanwhile, Evan and I were in Atlanta for a soccer showcase tournament. We had the privilege of playing at a complex that can best be described as the Mecca of Soccer Complexes. We played some fairly good teams, and we still came home with two wins. I might also mention it was cold - especially when you arrive at the fields prior to the sunrise.

We also ran into some of our soccer friends from Georgia. Catching up with friends, and soccer friends at that, always makes for a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Snow Day - Take Two

We’ve been in the house since Thursday night with only a brief reprieve on Sun afternoon and Mon afternoon. I’ve cooked six dinners, four breakfasts, two batches of cookies, and countless mugs of hot cocoa. I’ve read books, created 18 months worth of scrapbooking times 2 boys, and washed everything in my house. I’be helped Keagan study for a cell test and Evan prepare for his driving permit test. I’ve watched all of season two of This is Us, and I’ve read every travel article on Iceland. 

Last night, our two inches of snow turned into five. I have a million things I could be doing outside of the house today,  but I’m not because everything is closed. 

The boys have played in the snow - but not nearly as much as they did two years ago at the last big snow. 

Just got the call. Snow day #3 is tomorrow. Whatever will I do stuck in the house one more day?

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Big Day

We’ve been snowed in for 60 hours with a half inch of ice and two inches of snow. We’ve been unable to go or do anything because of the thick ice. (You know the roads are bad when the Southern Baptists close the doors on a Sunday morning.) Round two of snow and ice begins in less than 24 hours, so this afternoon was the perfect time to get out and play some indoor soccer.

Keagan played futsal at a local gym with some of his former teammates. Team Panna played up against freshmen. After some easy wins and highly frustrated opponents, his team won first.

The highlight of his day, though, was bringing home this guy!

After ten years, I finally conceded that a boy (all three of mine) needs a dog. Now to name the little guy!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Snow Day

Two years ago we missed a week of school due to a winter storm of ice and snow. Last year we didn’t get a snowflake. I decided in December that a snow day was necessary this school year, and I would do whatever I needed to do to ensure that happened. In other words, I pretended I was seven years old  again and flushed ice cubes, wore my PJs inside out, and put a white crayon in my windowsill. 

I’m proud to say my efforts were not in vain. At 1130 on Thursday, the boys’ school system made a decision to close on Friday. At 2:30 post decided to close. We left school with a temp of 67 degrees and a hard time imagining we would awake to snow. 

We didn’t awake to snow, though, but to something even better when you are attempting to hunker down and avoid the real world - sleet! The snow began at lunch time. These boys couldn’t wait to get out and play a game of football in it.

We will be home again tomorrow. I will cook; the boys will play.

Love the snow days!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Back at It

Nothing says Christmas break is over like a home project. Keagan came home his first day back with a science project: create a 3-d model of a cell. After days of researching, questioning the meaning of organelle, and three trips to Hobby Lobby, we have a finished project. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

A Year of Adventure

Our first day of 2018 was spent swimming with eagle rays. Nothing says adventure like getting a back rub from a ray or kissing a ray. 

If you are Evan you spend the 30 minutes dodging barbs and exclaiming, “ Sweet Jesus” every time the big females get close. If you are Keagan, you spend 30 minutes telling Evan “a big one is coming for you” so you can watch your big brother squeal and kick his way to safety!

Fun times! I’ve never seen Evan scared of anything before, so this was entertaining for me ( and Keagan).

We ended our afternoon snorkeling where we found an eel, more rays, trapper fish, and angel fish. 

Happy new year! I can’t wait to see the adventures 2018 brings our way!

 “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta