Saturday, November 4, 2017

State Bound

With an ever impressive defensive game playing the best team we have played all year, we won the semi-state game today with a score of 1-0. Evan had the game of his life. So good the opposing team changed their game plan at half, and the ball didn’t come to his side at all in 42 minutes of play. Until he did this. 

In the last 30 seconds of the game, Evan went up to block a shot. The ball deflected off of Evan’s head and landed in the far corner, inches from the line.  Our goalie grabbed it and the striker’s leg and fell to the ground. The opposing team’s defender was cheering certain the ball had crossed the line, not realizing our goalie had it safely tucked in his arms while cradled in the fetal position. Our sidelines went wild with celebration. It was a spectacular save! Finally, after 43 minutes of play, we heard the three whistles signifying our win!

The headband. The tongue. The leg muscles. All signature trademarks of Evan on the pitch. 

Tomorrow we play for the state championship!

Let’s Go NFC 02 Gold!

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