Today these two began Thanksgiving Eve playing a game of football with Wes’s unit. They were happy to come home with the win.

(I’m thankful I only have to live with that ‘stach for one more week.)
These four went to the trampoline park. The unnamed adult was asking to use the tens machine after an hour of “fun.” Two other unnamed adults were smart enough to realize 40-somethings don’t need to press their luck jumping on trampolines.
After lunch, naps, and dessert,
the entire family had a traditional dinner of Five Guys burgers and then played an Excape Game.
We didn’t escape, but it was more fun than this picture indicates. We were probably only a minute away from winning - as usual. I’m beginning to think this is the standard line told to all losing teams just to make sure you return again!
We would have enjoyed walking through the local Christmas light display after the game, but you can see how we are bundled for an indoor activity. These Texans were not prepared to attempt an evening stroll in 40 degree temps. A drive by sneak peek of the lights was all we could muster.
The pies are baked. The fall themed crafts are done. The turkey is brining. Tomorrow we feast!
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all...Sorry a Texas trip will not be made this year...we will miss ya'll.