Sunday, November 12, 2017

Purple Skies. Family. Friends.

A loss. A win. A tie. All three mark an end to the fall soccer season for Keagan. While soccer may not have been the highlight of this weekend’s tournament in Memphis, these were the more memorable events.

The sky at dusk. I stopped watching soccer long enough to see this. I tried to send subliminal messages to Keagan to get him to move down field and get this in the background, but it just didn’t work. I’ll keep working on this.

The family. They drove five hours to watch some pitiful soccer, but we got to watch college football, eat a couple of meals, and oohhh and aaahhh over how much Keagan has grown since September. He loved it!

Friendship. These kids attend eight different middle schools and live in five different towns, but they are all really good friends. 

Until next spring.

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