Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed

We had a near disaster when I cooked the potatoes a bit too long and boiled them to near oblivion in my new magic pot. No worries because we had eight other sides, and I was able to save Thanksgiving with last-minute deviled eggs. Wes fried up our turkey, Sally, the turkey Mallory won for us in the Turkey Trot.

And we ate like royalty. 

After naps, we were ready for phase 2 of eating and watching Cowboy football. No Thanksgiving is complete without turkey, pie, and football.

We are thankful, grateful, and blessed!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving Eve

Nothing says Thanksgiving like family, food, and fun. Since being in command, Wes has pulled duty on the big holidays, so his soldiers get the day with their families. For the third year in a row, my family has celebrated the holiday with us in Tennessee. I host, they drive, and all ten of us enjoy a week of togetherness. 

Today these two began Thanksgiving Eve playing a game of football with Wes’s unit. They were happy to come home with the win. 

(I’m thankful I only have to live with that ‘stach for one more week.)

These four went to the trampoline park. The unnamed adult was asking to use the tens machine after an hour of “fun.” Two other unnamed adults were smart enough to realize 40-somethings don’t need to press their luck jumping on trampolines. 

After lunch, naps, and dessert,

the entire family had a traditional dinner of Five Guys burgers and then played an Excape Game. 

We didn’t escape, but it was more fun than this picture indicates. We were probably only a minute away from winning - as usual. I’m beginning to think  this is the standard line told to all losing teams just to make sure you return again!

We would have enjoyed walking through the local Christmas light display after the game, but you can see how we are bundled for an indoor activity. These Texans were not prepared to attempt an evening stroll in 40 degree temps. A drive by sneak peek of the lights was all we could muster. 

The pies are baked. The fall themed crafts are done. The turkey is brining. Tomorrow we feast!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Purple Skies. Family. Friends.

A loss. A win. A tie. All three mark an end to the fall soccer season for Keagan. While soccer may not have been the highlight of this weekend’s tournament in Memphis, these were the more memorable events.

The sky at dusk. I stopped watching soccer long enough to see this. I tried to send subliminal messages to Keagan to get him to move down field and get this in the background, but it just didn’t work. I’ll keep working on this.

The family. They drove five hours to watch some pitiful soccer, but we got to watch college football, eat a couple of meals, and oohhh and aaahhh over how much Keagan has grown since September. He loved it!

Friendship. These kids attend eight different middle schools and live in five different towns, but they are all really good friends. 

Until next spring.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

State Champions

We defeated the reigning champions in overtime today  by the score of 2-1 to be the new U-16 D1 Tennessee State Champions.

This is what five months of training, four nights a week, and a good coach will get you! Evan and I have sacrificed so much for this to happen, and it’s so worth it! I don’t know that I’ve seen him any happier. I can’t wait to play SRPL this summer!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

State Bound

With an ever impressive defensive game playing the best team we have played all year, we won the semi-state game today with a score of 1-0. Evan had the game of his life. So good the opposing team changed their game plan at half, and the ball didn’t come to his side at all in 42 minutes of play. Until he did this. 

In the last 30 seconds of the game, Evan went up to block a shot. The ball deflected off of Evan’s head and landed in the far corner, inches from the line.  Our goalie grabbed it and the striker’s leg and fell to the ground. The opposing team’s defender was cheering certain the ball had crossed the line, not realizing our goalie had it safely tucked in his arms while cradled in the fetal position. Our sidelines went wild with celebration. It was a spectacular save! Finally, after 43 minutes of play, we heard the three whistles signifying our win!

The headband. The tongue. The leg muscles. All signature trademarks of Evan on the pitch. 

Tomorrow we play for the state championship!

Let’s Go NFC 02 Gold!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Happy Birthday

This kid is amazing! He was at school at 6:30 to put up a few shots before school started, he had a 90 min basketball practice after school, drove an hour for two hours of soccer training, and then was up until 1100 studying for an algebra test. I’m so proud to call him mine! Happy 15th birthday, Evan! May this be a wonderful year!

We celebrated with some of his favorites: Cajun food and pumpkin cheesecake. When he blew out the candles, I made my own wishes for him. 1) Win state in soccer on Sunday; 2) have an injury free basketball season; 3) survive this year in algebra!