Friday, October 13, 2017

Pumpkins Galore

It’s almost the end of the boys’ fall break and we still aren’t at the beach. The boys have been a bit bored and a little jealous of our friends’ adventures. I’m even more jealous. Keagan told me last night, “It’s ok, Mom. December will be epic.” 

Goodness, I hope so. I’ve only been waiting since January when we got back from Costa Rica.

So we aren’t at the beach, but we did have Family Fun Night at The Glow in Nashville. Thousands of pumpkins were carved into beautiful pieces of art. 

It was quite impressive - especially since I can’t carve a traditional jack-o-lateen, much less anything as detailed as this. 

Wes was more impressed with the night’s clear skies and the bright stars. He decided, while we waited in line, to take the boys camping. I told him good luck with that, our next free weekend is the third weekend in December.


I’m already tired thinking about it. 

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