But then they grow up, and you spend Halloween night at the kitchen table doing math homework. This is the first time in 15 years that I haven't watched as one of the boys went out the door prepared for the hunt of candy. It is a terrible reality of their growing up.
Five years later we have grown to love Tennessee as much as our home state of Texas. Our adventures as a military family continue in the land made famous for country music and hot chicken. As much as our lives have changed with our twenty plus years in the military, much remains the same. We spend our weekends playing soccer, our winters on the beach, and our holidays with family.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Not So Happy Halloween
Halloween used to be one of the most exciting days in our house. The boys spent weeks pouring over magazines selecting their must-have costume. Many years the boys couldn't decide on just one, so they got two costumes - one to wear to Fall Festival and one to wear trick-or-treating. It didn't matter because they often wore the costumes for weeks and even years after Halloween.

But then they grow up, and you spend Halloween night at the kitchen table doing math homework. This is the first time in 15 years that I haven't watched as one of the boys went out the door prepared for the hunt of candy. It is a terrible reality of their growing up.
But then they grow up, and you spend Halloween night at the kitchen table doing math homework. This is the first time in 15 years that I haven't watched as one of the boys went out the door prepared for the hunt of candy. It is a terrible reality of their growing up.
Monday, October 30, 2017
I never look forward to basketball season. Ever. The courts are indoors, the fans are annoying, and let’s face it, basketball is not soccer. It never fails, though. At first tip-off I’m on the edge of my seat cheering like I’ve been waiting for this for months.

Keagan did not disappoint tonight. He was the starting PG and took command of the courts from the get-go. With a thrilling last minute in the Jamboree that included a tech, a steal, and a missed shot, I had to leave the edge of my seat and stand up! What an ending to a great game! The boys won 19-18!
Keagan did not disappoint tonight. He was the starting PG and took command of the courts from the get-go. With a thrilling last minute in the Jamboree that included a tech, a steal, and a missed shot, I had to leave the edge of my seat and stand up! What an ending to a great game! The boys won 19-18!
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I Can’t.Wait.For.this year’s season!
On the Road to State
Rain and more rain meant we didn’t get to play soccer on Saturday. Insert sad face. However, an entire day at home on a Saturday left me giddy. Unfortunately, all I did was cook and clean six loads of laundry.
We awoke on Sunday to wind, cold, and more cold. We braved the elements to watch the first game of the state tournament.

I lost feeling in my ears and two toes. I’m certain my body temperature was permanently lowered after spending four hours in 32 degree temps. But winning 4-0 and advancing to the semifinals next weekend made the discomfort worth it!
Let’s go NFC 02 Gold!
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Tournament Weekend
My boys played five soccer games between the two of them and reff’ed two games a piece this weekend. Evan’s team played up in a local tournament and came home as the finalist. It was a hard fought weekend with tough competition and winning first would have been so sweet!

Keagan had his hard earned Reffing money spent by 6:00 Saturday night on a video game upgrade.

Keagan had his hard earned Reffing money spent by 6:00 Saturday night on a video game upgrade.
Evan spent his money a bit more wisely. He went to the movies with friends, but he only bought his movie ticket and refused to buy soda and popcorn.
Throw in games past sunset and games before sunrise and you get an exhausting weekend. I need a weekend to recover from my weekend! Here’s hoping to seven hours of glorious sleep!
Family of Four
It’s a rare occasion when all four of us are together for a weekend. But here it is. A Sunday. We are picknicking between games, lounging, laughing, and just being together.

Evan plays at 9:00 and 12:30; Keagan plays at 3:00. It’s a beautiful day, even if a tad too windy, to be outside with my boys!
Friday, October 13, 2017
Pumpkins Galore
It’s almost the end of the boys’ fall break and we still aren’t at the beach. The boys have been a bit bored and a little jealous of our friends’ adventures. I’m even more jealous. Keagan told me last night, “It’s ok, Mom. December will be epic.”

Goodness, I hope so. I’ve only been waiting since January when we got back from Costa Rica.
So we aren’t at the beach, but we did have Family Fun Night at The Glow in Nashville. Thousands of pumpkins were carved into beautiful pieces of art.
It was quite impressive - especially since I can’t carve a traditional jack-o-lateen, much less anything as detailed as this.
Wes was more impressed with the night’s clear skies and the bright stars. He decided, while we waited in line, to take the boys camping. I told him good luck with that, our next free weekend is the third weekend in December.
I’m already tired thinking about it.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Meet All We Got
One of the parents on Evan’s soccer team records every game, uploads the video to Vimeo, and takes still photos. He also maintains the team’s Twitter account. I keep the time on my stopwatch. #wearejustthesame

This was today’s post.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Family Fun Day
It’s fall break. We have friends touring Alaska, sunbathing in Jamaica, swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, hiking through the Smokies, and apple picking in orchards in the Northeast. I can top them all with our day trip to Mammoth Cave!

While a beautiful place and though we had a great tour guide, it just doesn’t compare to my friends’ fall break trips. I would prefer white sand and the roll of the waves.
After our tour, we went out to lunch and I tried to make up for the injustice by letting the boys order dessert. I know. I’m a big spender! Even bigger plans are made for tomorrow - haircuts and dental appointments!
Hurry up, December! I’m ready for the sand and sun of the Caribbean!
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Fall in the Forest
We drove east today for Evan's last state league game of the season. We won by a large margin and finished first in the bracket, which gives us a great seeding for the state tourney at the end of the month. On our way back home, we stopped at Fall Creek Falls. The leaves are just starting to change colors and the oppressive heat is gone. It actually feels like fall now.

Wes and Evan weren't feeling a hike to the basin, so we made it a short trip and headed back home. We have three more days of no work, no school, and no sports. I'm relishing the thought of sleeping and watching tv!
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Mom and Son Conversation
Evan: "Mom, why don't you leave post and come work in the county. You would love it at Rossview. The teachers are young and teach like you do. You'd get along great with them! And if you're having a bad day, just go spend a few minutes in the foreign language bathrooms."
"Why would I do that?"
"That's the bathroom the students use to smoke pot. You'd feel happy in no time!"
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
"I Made Varsity, Mama"
Thursday and Friday were middle school basketball tryouts. Keagan made the first cut and got invited to round two on a Tuesday night. At school one of the kids told Keagan, "Bro, you and I are about to put up points for the JV team." Keagan looked at him sideways and told him he could play JV but Keagan planned to play varsity. The kid responded with, "Dude, you're only in seventh grade. Look for your name on the JV roster."
Tuesday night K put up 14 points at round two of tryouts. Wednesday morning this was posted on the gym door.
Congrats, Baby Boy! I never doubted you would make varsity. Now drive to the goal and put up those points!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Smell Test
Evan has spent several of his Saturdays reffing rec soccer. It has been really hot and he has been very tired. But he had a goal: earn enough money to buy new Jordan's. He took his wad of cash to the mall last week ordered his dream shoes. Today they arrived in the mail. He took them out of the box and sniffed them. "Oh, man these smell good!"
The true test of a good pair of shoes - the smell test!
Now he must use the rest of his hard earned money to buy a new screen for his cracked phone. Real life just hit him hard - especially since opportunities to ref are dwindling.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Soccer Weekend
Evan had two state league games in East Tennessee this weekend. This made for really early mornings, but both games ended in wins and put us closer to securing first place in the state league bracket. He also reffed a few games on Saturday.
Keagan had his club's tournament and multiple games each day that made for really long days. I had concession stand duty at 0630 on Sunday. When my alarm went off at 0430, I just about decided to ditch the soccer mom duty. His team played up and lost three games/tied one game. But it was great competition for our boys.
The weekend is already coming to an end, and I've not done anything but spend all of my hours on the pitch. I'm in heavy need of a long weekend and sleep. Lots of sleep! May this week go by quickly!
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