Monday, July 10, 2017

Summer Soccer Camp

Last summer Evan attended the IU soccer camp. After dropping Evan off, Keagan was sick that he had decided to not attend. So this summer he was determined to go. He and two teammates went this last week. They roomed together in the dorms, ate in the campus cafeteria, and played soccer 6-8 hours a day. I left him with money to go for a swim in the Olympic sized pool and late night pizza. It was everything Keagan wanted until it was time to say good-bye; then I think he doubted his decision. I reminded him to shower every day, spend his money wisely, and have FUN!

I dropped him off and started the trek back home. I was only two hours out when he texted me a picture of a tshirt that he bought from the campus store. So much for spending money wisely! Three hours later he texted that camp was "SO GREAT! The food is sooo good!" Day one was great, but we got very little from him after those texts.

His coach put him in mid-field, even though he registered as a defender, and by the end of the week, he was playing striker. He proved to be an excellent leader, highly competitive, and a smart player with the ball. He wants to know if he can go again next year - for the food!

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