Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Big Boy Bed

Keagan turns 13 next month. Until last week, he was sleeping in bunk beds with train decorated bedsheets and Thomas the Tank Engine throw pillows. I told Wes it was time to make a change. When an acquaintance asked for donations to a garage sale to support her new baby's adoption, I knew it was time! So we donated the bunk beds to her great cause, and then I spent the better part of July looking at furniture and choosing pieces for his new room.

This week the bed was delivered, Wes put it together, and now Keagan has a new room. WayFair is my new best friend. After spending two weeks sleeping on the couch, I'm Keagan's new best friend.

The throw pillows haven't been delivered, yet, but any day now.

I love this idea for displaying his many, many medals.

My favorite piece is his lamp. The base is used as storage for his rock and shell collection taken from places all around the world.

Keagan woke up this morning, telling me he had no idea sleep could be so good. I think he approves of the new big boy bed.

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