Thursday, July 13, 2017

Shopping in a Mall

I hate the mall. I hate shopping in a mall. I hate the crowds in the mall, but when Evan suggested we go to the mall to look for shoes, I told him it sounded like a great idea! And I also wondered what he had been smokin'.

We went to three malls in two states and into no fewer than 15 stores over the course of a week. I kid you not. But we could not find the shoes. We did find jeans, t-shirts, joggers, and blue button up shirts. "Because you can't be in highschool and wear athletic clothes every day like I did in middle school last year."

I guess he's recreating his image. He decided his hair was "tragic" and he needed a new style to go with the new clothes. However, we couldn't go just anywhere to get it cut. We had to go to the salon, the same salon I go to. He had his hair washed in between two ladies discussing the upswing of pedicures. Then he chatted up the cute hair stylist like they were long lost friends. 

I was left sitting in the waiting area asking what happened to my Evan? 

And the shoes? Well, we never found the pair in any store. We had to special order those boats and have then shipped to our house. A size 13 is kinda hard to come by, ya know?

Now his hair looks "lit", his shoes are "fire", and clothes are "so sway." 

Parenting teens could not be more fun!

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