Thursday, January 12, 2017

Two Years, or 24 Months, is a Long Time


This happened today. Nothing says teenager like a set of braces. Keagan was actually agreeable to getting them and said they didn't hurt a bit. He even went so far as to say he highly recommended the practice because the staff "made it too easy" to put the top six brackets on. Six hours later he doesn't quite have the same opinion. He's asking for ice cream and apple sauce and wants to know when it will be okay to chew gum. This will be a long 24 months!

But I must not forget how he thanked me for paying for the braces. He thanked me because he never fails to be grateful. On any given day he will thank me for fixing dinner, for helping him study, for washing his sheets, for driving him to soccer games, for new shoes, for paying for braces. He's genuinely thankful and it just might be his most endearing personality trait.

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