Sunday, January 22, 2017

Twenty Plus Years

Overwhelmed with school loans and living pay check to pay check seemed like an unfair way to start adulthood after four plus year of college and two degrees. So twenty years ago, Wes joined the Army and we began a way of life so foreign to me, I wondered if the learning curve would ever end. We got stationed in Germany, though, and we were traveling the world. Life was great; the nations were at peace. At that time it seemed three more years with the Military wasn't so bad. We got to the ten year mark while living in DC and I thought, we are half way to retirement. Why get out now? Only one hundred twenty months later, and we have finally reached the magical twenty year mark, and yet, we said what's three more years?

Today this happened; Wes was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 4.


We celebrated with the men and women who have made this possible.


Here's to our "three year" stint in the military!

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