Sunday, November 13, 2016

Farewell Soccer

We gave up only two goals this weekend and scored 11, but it wasn't enough. We lost an important game one with 20 seconds left in the game, and we came home early Sunday. Keagan had a great weekend playing left back, midfield, and Stryker.


Interestingly we were in the middle of game one in the stadium when we heard a series of gunshots. I told the other parents it was nothing to worry about because we were in Memphis just two weeks ago and heard gunshots and assumed a gun range was nearby. But then a series of sirens interrupted our game, and we soon learned we had all heard a drive by shooting. I don't think I drove faster than 40mph the rest of my time in Memphis. 

Today we packed away the soccer uniforms and cleats. It saddens me to put it all away, but it will make spring season all that more sweeter! Here's to new friends, new teammates, and a new season!


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