Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Better than Ever in Two Short Weeks

This is what happens when your boy has a great game.

Someone from the opposing team decides he is too much of a threat and decides to take him out.

At Monday's night's game, Evan had half of the team's points. Another player went for Evan as he drove in for a layup. He took Evan's legs out from under him, and Evan crashed to the gym floor. He jumped up and finished the game, but Wednesday, he couldn't walk. We took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with a deep tissue contusion. He will be out 2-3 weeks.

We are bummed, to say the very least.


Thankfully, though, he doesn't have anything broken. He will be back to prove himself. You can bet on that!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ev..Do you need your Nonnie to come talk to that bully? Just kiddin..I know you can handle yourself..and play by the rules..Hope you are taking care of that leg,,Love you..
