Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Evan is 14

Evan is 14 today. My opinionated, strong-willed, dry-witted baby boy is almost grown! He is unpredictable at best, loves to debate political issues, and has a passion for sports that rivals any ESPN contributor. He eats ice cream by the pint, loves to snorkel in the ocean, and binge watches "Law and Order" episodes like a retired cop. He is a leader, an athlete, and a scholar. He loses every single thing he owns, forgets to put on shoes when we leave the house, and plays "Where's my Phone, Mom?" daily. He looks just like his dad but shares a brain with me.

He is Evan.

I would change nothing about him; he is perfect as is. Evan is 14 today.

Happy birthday, Baby Boy!

1 comment:

  1. Yes be is perfect...we are bless with two perfect Toole boys...Thanks to having a good Mom and Dad...
