Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Missing Mom

I'm TDY this week in DC for a teacher leader conference for DoDEA teachers of the year. I had not been gone for seven hours when Keagan called. "Mom, Dad messed up the potatoes. When are you coming home?" 

Last week Keagan came to my room crying. I asked what was wrong and he told me I just couldn't be gone for a week. "Who will help me with my math homework? I have an A. I can't risk losing my A because you aren't here to help me." I reassured him he would be fine, but then he said, "I can't eat pizza six nights in a row. Please tell me you are cooking all of our meals and putting them in the freezer."

The poor guy misses me, or maybe just my cooking. It's good to know I'm missed. I wondered if the boys would be able to handle my absence. The multiple texts I receive every day have almost convinced me that I'm irreplaceable. 

Tonight I had dinner with an old friend.

DC was perfect tonight. Beautiful pink sunset. Ducks in the water quacking. Friends by my side. And I briefly thought, "I could totally live here again." Be assured that feeling was short-lived. But I'm enjoying every minute of my six day visit!

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