Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Heart with a Capital H

Keagan has a heart of gold. He's empathetic and loves to help people (or animals) in need. 

Today at lunch I checked my voicemail to find this message: 
"Mrs. Toole, this is Mrs. C from RES. I'm calling to tell you how impressed I am with Keagan. Today I observed a class and saw him encouraging a special needs child. He was so thoughtful and willing to go out of his way to make him feel included. Thank you for raising such an awesome kid!"

Since I've only heard from a principal one other time and that was when Evan broke a cafeteria spoon, I was shocked to hear such a positive message. But this is why my kids attend public school. This is what life is all about- learning to live with different people and modeling for others acceptance and empathy. This is Keagan's mission field, even if it is only a hockey game in the school gym. I'm so proud of him. Grades, athletic skill, test scores all pale in comparison. Nothing can be more important than having a  heart and a willingness to make a positive impact on the lives of others. 

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