Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Evan's Secret Talent

Most people know Evan is a talented athlete. He can play soccer, throw a football, and has almost perfected the fade away, but few people know he has a great talent in his ability to argue. I'm serious. My boy of few words becomes verbose and thrives with a good debate. He argues with Wes about immigration, gun control, teen suicide, or the probability of rain until Wes gets so frustrated he yells, " Shut your mouth! You know nothing!" 

Today, in creative dramatics, a mandated class that Evan has found useless until today, he got to role play in a presidential debate. He played the role of Cruz. "Trump", aka a 13 year old peer, began the debate with a bold statement, "All Muslims will be expelled from the U.S. when I become president." Evan countered, and the boy claimed "too many Muslims are associated with ISIS and we can't take the risk of anyone harming us." The class cheered.

Evan said he looked at the black kids and argued that some black people are members of gangs so maybe this means we should imprison all blacks. Then he looked at the Latinos and explained that some Mexicans are members of a drug cartel so we should send all Mexicans back home. When everyone disagreed, Evan asked, "Then how can we say all Muslims are bad? We can't blame a group of people of actions that just a few are actually guilty."

The crowd cheered again and Evan won with a vote of 18 to 2. When retelling the events this afternoon, his face was full of expression and excitement. You could totally see he was in his element debating...and winning. 

I foresee a debate team in our near future. 

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