Saturday, October 10, 2015

Losing is Hard

We left the house this afternoon hopeful and full of excitement for today's football game. Despite perfect playing conditions, it quickly became clear that it would be a tough fight. We had a limited roster with several players out for fall break and three starters benched for breaking team rules. All of this while playing the top team in our district. 

Let's just say we lost big, real big. Losing is always rough - especially for this mama- but a huge loss means I don't get to see my boy kick the football. I take great pride in those long, high kicks. Few 12 year olds can kick 40-50 yards like Evan can. And to think a few years ago we used to joke that kickers weren't real football players. 

The highlight of our tough loss was running into members of our travel basketball family. 

Here's to a better game on Thursday, more opportunities to kick, and perhaps a win!

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