Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

I was just lamenting to a friend last night that neither of my boys expressed any desire to go trick-or-treating this year. They claimed to be too old for such childish antics. Then today, between soccer games, Keagan asked to run by Party City "to just look for a mask to scare kids at our door." After game two, he decided maybe he could hit one street in the neighborhood "since it's not raining or anything." Within ten minutes of arriving home from soccer, he was ready. 

So maybe he was just a little excited about trick-or-treating after all. 

Evan was kicked back on the couch with his dried mango and root beer content to watch college football for the night when the doorbell rang. All of a sudden, trick-or-treating was a better plan. 

He said to me, "I think I'll go out since I have a jersey, too."

This means I'm curled up on the couch all by myself content to know my boys are still little boys. For at least the day, anyway. 

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