Sunday, June 14, 2015

Our Pre-Game Routine: Facial Hair Removal

This weekend we played basketball in a local tournament. Because Keagan plays up, he and Evan's team were in the same bracket; they were fortunate to not have to play each other. Keagan had some great defensive plays.

Evan is still off rythym and can't make a shot unless he is shooting on the outside, but he also played well defensively.


Keagan's team was stomped by the same team Evan's team beat in the championship game. This team was a good little team, but they weren't big enough or strong enough to hang with Glory. Some how, though, this was Evan's fault, and when his 145 pound body drove in for a shot, the other kid, sadly, didn't stand a chance. This is when the stands went wild yelling at my boy. I caught one mother screaming, "You got a grown man out there playing with these little boys." I said a quiet prayer of thanksgiving that I had forced Evan to nair his upper lip the previous night. Otherwise, there is no way anyone could have convinced her that Evan is really only twelve!

Summer league is upon us; everyone knows him locally as a middle schooler- not a man- so we should be safe the rest of the season. 

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