Friday, June 5, 2015

Fun in the Sun

It's my first week of summer break and all I wanted to do was sit on the back porch, soak up the sun, and read a book. Can you believe my very first day of break is the same day bulldozers decided to level out the pond in our backyard? It's deafening, it's dirty, and it's ugly to look at. But I'll take that over fighting to get nightly homework done and studying spelling word lists any day.

This summer has already started like no other. Our front door has brought friends over to play Air Soft, climb trees in the wood line, and play a game or two of basketball. 

The boys have gone swimming, had sleep overs, and taken a canoe trip down the Red River. 

And it's only week number two for them. This summer proves to be the best yet!

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