Thursday, June 18, 2015

Football is His Thing

Over the past four years our lives have been consumed with sports and schedules. Everything we do seems to revolve around the next practice, the next game, or the next tournament. Summer has been no exception. 

The next two weeks Evan will be at football camp. While he has an awkward shot from the shoulder in basketball and while he may be a bit too deliberate when passing the ball in soccer, he has, oh be still my heart, a beautiful football pass. This week he has been working out in the QB position. Despite temps hovering near one hundred degrees, early morning wake-ups during the summer vacation, and a scorching turf field, he has not complained once. He has even smiled - just not in public when Mom and her camera are around.

Football is his thing. Beginning in the next month, he will be consumed with rankings, schedules, and injuries. He will talk non-stop about any stat that he finds interesting. He might even drive us a little crazy with all of his football talk, but come February the season will end, and the sparkle in his eye will dim until next August. 

Though I prefer his passion would be something a little safer, I am giddy with excitement for this season and the excitement it brings to our lives. 

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