Sunday, May 31, 2015


As luck would have it, E had a basketball tournament and a soccer tournament the same weekend. Lucky for us, both were held within seven miles of the other. We got a hotel room and banked on some big wins. He played seven games and would have played more except one was canceled due to rain and another was a forfeit. There were no big wins, but E had a double-double in the first basketball game.

The biggest loss was this. With only one weekend remaining in our season, I refused to buy new cletes. I told E to make do with what he had.

Before game two, the cleats were wrapped in electrical tape. But the wet field conditions caused the tape to quickly fall apart. Evan was unable to run and looked a lot like a clown wearing big floppy shoes. We found someone with duct tape and went to work on taping the sole back to the shoe, but as luck would have it, clete two began to fall apart. I ate my words, ran to the closest sporting goods store, and forked over some big bucks on new soccer cletes. Maybe we will be lucky and they will still fit next fall. Otherwise, the next size up requires a special order. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

His Face Says it All

I've been told once or twice that my facial expressions reveal exactly what I'm thinking. Evan's facial expressions rarely reveal anything; his thoughts remain a mystery to most and I've even been asked if he ever gets excited about anything because he is so even keeled. Today's a little different, though. We lost game one and don't have a chance to win game two. The look on Evan's face tells it all.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Summer Time

Today we celebrated the last day of school with an academic awards assembly at the middle school. Yes, he really is that tall and she is really that short.
Like Keagan, Evan scored advanced on all end of year tests. He ended the year with awards in all four content areas. 

I also found him a girlfriend. He didn't object to my suggestion, so I think that means it was well received. Or maybe he was just ignoring me. More than likely, he was just too excited to be on summer vacation to argue with me. 

Welcome, Summer Time! I've been waiting on you for about eight months. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Play Me a Song

I take back everything I have ever said about my boys and their lack of musical talent. Keagan came home today with the Music Award for his performance on the recorder and with his ability to read music. He also received an Accelerated Reader award and all A's Honor Roll. Word to the Wise: Be prepared to hear a rendition of Hot Cross Buns should you mention the recorder to him. He is prepared to perform at the drop of a hat.

We are celebrating tomorrow with an order of chicken fries and ice cream. Ice cream is our traditional last day of school treat, but this year, Keagan has asked that we also add chicken fries. Who could possible say no to that?

Monday, May 18, 2015

District Champs


Middle school soccer play-offs have taken place every night this past week. We won the first game on Monday night 8-0. Wednesday we advanced to the semi-finals and won 5-1. Friday night we played in the championship game; the boys completed the season undefeated and as the district champs!

Lightening put an early end to the game on Friday night; tonight we celebrated the big win at the trophy presentation.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekend of Champions

Did you know that if you spend three days on your butt watching game after game after game you can bruise your tailbone? Twelve games in and I'm living proof it can. To think I have seven hours of professional development to sit through tomorrow is killing every ounce of my being. 
But here's the good news. Keagan's soccer team came out on top again this weekend. Even playing in the rain, the pouring rain, the boys pulled out some big wins. 

Keagan had a hat trick in game one. But even better than that, his team beat one of the toughest teams in our area. That always makes the first place medal even more special. 

Notice the socks. Keagan had to wear the socks pulled up over his knees after an unfortunate jumping rope mishap at school last week. In an attempt to impress the ladies and prove he can run while jumping rope, the rope got tangled between his ankles, he fell, and busted both knees. He said it was the most embarrassing day of his life. I don't think he will attempt any new tricks soon, but the ref told him he had to cover the knees as a safety precaution. 

Then there's this consecutive run of images: 

He didn't score here, but I love how he got around the defender. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Artistic My Children Are Not


I was so looking forward to tonight's Art Fair. Last year, the walls in the elementary school were covered in wonderful, beautiful art. This year, not so much. The highlight was Keagan's orange ice cream art. I'm still not quite sure that I understand the premise behind it, but Keagan was super proud that each of the scoops of ice cream actually resembled the real thing.

Then there was this. The black and white water color piece. His teacher said he thought Keagan was going for a snowy landscape scene, with palm trees. Bless his heart, it got worse. The piece hanging above was supposed to be folded 3-D art. Keagan ended up slapping his center 3-D piece on the edge of the paper because he couldn't get the folds right. I was hooting with laughter; Keagan said, "This is how it goes every year. We go to the art fair. Mom laughs at my work. I get embarrassed."

Keagan's teacher must have felt badly for him because he came to me and said, "Well, who cares about art work when you can do math as well as you do and read above grade level?" I think the boys found a kindred spirit with that statement.

Smarty Pants

No tie. Not even a pair of khaki pants. But I got him to agree to attend tonight's induction ceremony and walk across the stage.

He is now a member of the Beta Club, take two. As it turns out, if you were a member in elementary school, you didn't have to attend tonight's ceremony. Oops! Now, let's hope that lunch detention for throwing a plastic bottle during the field trip doesn't get him kicked out.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

He Said It

K: "Mom, I really want to create my own US soccer jersey. The magazine says you can put a number and your name on the back. You can choose bold, cursive, or elastic for the letters."

Me: "Elastic? What's that?"

K: "Oh, you know! Curvy but not cursive... Elastic."

Me: "You mean italics?"

K: "Yeah, italics!"

This kid kills me!

Mother's Day

I'm the luckiest girl in the world to be the mother of these two boys.

Evan is opinionated, athletic, intelligent, and has the ability to wear me down with his ability to thoughtfully argue any point. He must have ice cream every day of the week and prefers the simplicity of small town living. He loves the outdoors and can be best described as an old soul.

Keagan is thoughtful, agile, empathetic, and has the ability to hold his own with any argument his big brother throws his way. He is gregarious and can make friends with anyone that crosses his path. He loves animals, James Patterson books, and history. He will try to save the world one day.

No two boys could be more different, but they make my life full and bring me more joy with each day.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

I Actually Prayed We Would Lose

Minus a trip out for lunch, we've been on the courts all day. All I can think about is the temperature is 82 degrees and I'm inside.

I admit I was hoping we would lose (and get to spend a quiet Sunday afternoon at home), but a three point shot at the buzzer means we are back at it tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Matthew 6:33

Can you guess what came in the mail today? 

His poster collection is slowly growing. Not everyone is special enough to get a place on the wall. This month, though, it was Chris Paul, so but of course! 

Keagan wanted to know KD's favorite Bible verse. I told him I had no idea, and he told me every famous athlete should autograph their pics and posters with their go-to verse just like Russell Wilson does. So I asked him which verse he plans to use when he signs autographs fifteen years from now. He said, "Let me get back with you on that. I still got a lot of the Bible I haven't read."

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Great Outdoors

haven't seen Evan this happy in months. 

He was beside himself with excitement for days about having a weekend in the woods to play AirSoft, kayak, and fish with the boys. 

Luckily, Wes was finally able to take a day off to join him at the campsite. I hope he comes back with no lacerations or incisions; soccer playoffs begin next week. 

Friends from Far Places

These two. One speaks little English but laughs as if he knows nothing but joy. The other takes great pride in teaching his Korean friend the ways of American boys. Thus far Keagan has introduced him to Powerade, air hockey, and Halo. The two are inseparable at school. Last week they traded phone numbers and a play date was arranged. Keagan was so excited about spending the day with Jhang Ho that he skipped a camping trip with his dad. 

The best part of the day for me has been listening to Keagan speak English with a Korean accent. I told him it wasn't necessary; he needed to speak normally, and he replied, "No, Mom. This is the only way he can understand me."