Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Artistic My Children Are Not


I was so looking forward to tonight's Art Fair. Last year, the walls in the elementary school were covered in wonderful, beautiful art. This year, not so much. The highlight was Keagan's orange ice cream art. I'm still not quite sure that I understand the premise behind it, but Keagan was super proud that each of the scoops of ice cream actually resembled the real thing.

Then there was this. The black and white water color piece. His teacher said he thought Keagan was going for a snowy landscape scene, with palm trees. Bless his heart, it got worse. The piece hanging above was supposed to be folded 3-D art. Keagan ended up slapping his center 3-D piece on the edge of the paper because he couldn't get the folds right. I was hooting with laughter; Keagan said, "This is how it goes every year. We go to the art fair. Mom laughs at my work. I get embarrassed."

Keagan's teacher must have felt badly for him because he came to me and said, "Well, who cares about art work when you can do math as well as you do and read above grade level?" I think the boys found a kindred spirit with that statement.

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