Friday, August 9, 2013

Month One Down...35 More to Go

Last week marked one full month in Tennessee. I can't believe it has only been a month; Georgia seems so long ago. I know that over time these first few weeks will become a blur and our new home will become just home, and the newness will be lost in the day-to-day routine of school, work, and soccer.

After our first week here, Evan commented that he hadn't seen a black person since we left Georgia. He wanted to know where they all were. The boys then for the next three days were completely taken that they had been to the various places in town and had not seen one African American. Later that same week we stopped at the grocery store and in the middle of the produce section, Evan came up to me all big eyed and said, "Finally, Mom! I see a black family!" This was interesting to me because neither boy made one comment the first time they saw an Amish family on the side of the road selling produce.

Speaking of Amish. We buy a loaf of their home made bread every time we hit the Farmer's Market. I also buy fresh churned butter. I'm thinking of converting for the bread and butter alone.

Keagan has several Asian girls in his class. He was convinced week one that they all spoke Japanese and had very little understanding of the English language. He told me last week he planned to greet them at school with "konichiwa" and teach them the hand signal for "deuces." Then he learned the Asian girl had a beginning of the year reading score as high as his own, and he decided learning Japanese might not be necessary after all.

I am completely taken by the corn fields that surround the area. There is something very beautiful about green fields as far as the eye can see. I wake up every morning to a window that overlooks a beautiful tobacco farm. Who knew tobacco could be so captivating?

Last, we have heard story after story about sink holes in the area. I never imagined I would live anywhere where access to the center of the earth was so readily available. However, streets, parks and even the interstate are closed from time to time to repair these huge holes in the ground. Forget violent storms and tornadoes. Evan's biggest fear is that the ground will swallow us one day while in the middle of the Family Feud's Fast Money Round.

One month down. I fully expect at least 35 more. Don't disappoint me, Uncle Sam.

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