Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Tri and the Eye

On a whim the boys decided last month they wanted to do a triathlon - as in swimming, biking and running without stopping - just for the fun of it. It made me breath heavy just thinking about it, but they envisioned this as a fun way to spend a Saturday morning. 

After a few bike rides around the neighborhood this past week, the boys deemed themselves fully prepared for today's event. 

Nothing could have prepared us for the super dilemma of wearing swim caps, though. After first refusing to wear the cap, Keagan overheard a conversation that amounted to you'll have a faster time with a swim cap, and he decided he had to have one, too. After several attempts, we managed to pull these things in place without too many grumbles or bad words.

Then it was time to line up.

Don't let the calm, cool, and collected look trick you. Keagan was a nervous wreck waiting for his turn in the water. But then that song came on over the loud speakers, "The Eye of the Tiger", and he was ready to kick some tail.

At one point he told me he liked the old music, but ghetto music would really have him better prepared to win.

The swim smoked the boys, but once they got finished with the water portion of the race, the bike ride and the run were pieces of cake.

Evan later asked why the swim was so difficult for him, and I had to gently remind him that going to a splash park the week before a tri doesn't really amount to training.

Let me just take a moment to be "that" mom. IF the time had been kept, both boys would have placed first in their age divisions. Their performance amazed me considering their training consisted of nothing but extended periods of time in front of the TV watching the Game Show Network.

If it wasn't the rigorous training that put them over the edge, then I guess we can assume it was the music. "The Eye of the Tiger" is our new theme song and t-shirts with gold tiger transfers will be our next pre-sporting event uniform.

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