Monday, April 22, 2013


We traveled to North Carolina this past weekend for a soccer tournament. Yes, it is a four hour drive. Yes, we are crazy. But not as crazy as my parents who drove 15 hours to get their soccer fix.

We won the first game 9 to 0. We tied the second game 2-2.

That meant we had all night to rehash the shoulda, woulda, couldas that always follow a tied score and endless conversations on how many points each team had to score in order to advance to the finals. 

Evan woke me up on Sunday morning whispering in my ear, "Mom, if we score 8 goals in our next game, are we guaranteed to go to the finals?" 

We did better than eight goals; we won our third game 14-0. That meant we were headed to the championship!

Unfortunately, we didn't win the final game, but we came home with finalists medals and a resolve to ensure my boys never pick up a North Carolina accent. I will never hear "mark up" the same again.


  1. Good for Oma and Opa..that is what retirement is good for also..making those spur of the moment trips to see your grandsons play their favorite sport..:) Good job Evan and Keagan.

  2. Congratulations on making it to the finals.
