Saturday, April 7, 2012

Coat of Many Colors

We made it back from the beach sun kissed and sun kissed some more. I really don't know what I was thinking when I asked my seven year old to spray sunscreen on my back. I should have known that when I shimmied my back right to left multiple times to try to even out the spray that he held in one spot for an extended amount of time, that I was doomed. Sure enough. My legs, however, if you are looking at the front side only, are rockin' one golden tan. Sadly, the backs of my legs saw little sun as I was so engrossed with "A Game of Thrones", I forgot to flip, and today they remain a pasty white.

It's as if I am wearing a coat of many colors.

We left the resort this morning after a rousing pick-up game on the ocean side basketball court. Let me just tell you that I think the suburbanite tweens wearing their Abercrombie t-shirts thought they had their two-on-two game wrapped up when they saw Little Bit and Tongue Wagging Man Child on the courts warming up. They had no idea, though, that my two boys have spent the last two years playing ball with anything but white suburbanites and they had GAME. Final score: 30 - 7. I warmly wished them a wonderful vacation and whisked my two away before a rematch was called. The tweens could do nothing but gawk at Little Bit and Man Child as we gathered our plastic Ninja toys and sand castle buckets and headed for valet parking.

Or were those two gawking at my coat of many colors?

No, it had to be all of those mad basketball skills that left them in utter confusion.

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