Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Monday night Keagan came home and said he was fed up with his name sitting in the 125 point reading club when he had earned more than 200 points in the AR program. He took matters in his own hands, and made his own 200 point club sign with a piece of printer paper and a black Sharpie. He took it to school on Tuesday, and told his teacher he wanted to move his name to the next reading point club. Then he pulled out his home made sign. He even told her he would be nice enough to hang it in the hallway for her.

Oh, the boldness!

She emailed me today to say she printed  the 150, 175 and 200 point club signs and put them in the hallway. The kids moved their names to their new categories, and Keagan told her, "Go ahead and print 225 while you're at it because I know I will have that many points real soon."

Oh, the pompous attitude!

I love him even more for his outspokenness. Except for the time last week when I told him he had better watch his tone of voice when speaking to me, and he replied, "You better watch your own tone of voice."

Oh, the audacity!

His teacher says, "I love his heart." I say, "I love his bold heart."
I love it and love him even more for it - even if he might cross the line from time to time. 

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