Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tennessee Bound

I must really love my husband because only love would agree to drive eight hours to Tennessee to spend my favorite holiday in a hotel. It's not just a hotel, though, People. It's Army lodging complete with pink curtains, gold light fixtures, and a bathroom trimmed in mold. With last minute meetings, guest instructors, and a new farewell date, Wes just couldn't get back to Georgia, as we originally planned. Hence, the plan to come to him.

Day one was spent outside of Nashville with my long time high school friend, Rachel.

My boys couldn't believe it when I told them that Rachel and I went to school together from first grade through high school. "Mom, do you mean that you lived in the same place for eighteen years?" When I told them that I had never lived outside of Mount Pleasant until I went to college, Keagan gasped and Evan said, "That's just real sad, Mom!" 

Now whether this is sad because the town itself was Mount Pleasant or it was sad because I had never experienced anything outside of East Texas was never really identified. Clearly, though, living in one place for any extended amount of time is completely foreign to them. This was made completely clear to me yesterday when Evan asked to go house hunting outside the gates of Fort Campbell, and Keagan supported the past time choice with, "You never know when the Army might decided to move us here, Mom, and we need to be prepared to find the right neighborhood." 

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