Sunday, November 27, 2011

Photo Shoot

Christmas card photos were supposed to have been taken the week of Halloween, right before Wes left for pre-deployment training at Fort Campbell. But my photographer called in sick.

Photo shoot take two was supposed to take place the Friday after Thanksgiving, right before Wes returned to Fort Campbell for his deployment. But my photographer didn't want to travel all the way to Tennessee.

Photo shoot take three was supposed to take place Thanksgiving day, right before we ate our holiday meal. But I forgot the camera.

So photo shoot take four took place today in our backyard with my crude photography skills. 

With funny faces, nipple twists, and strongholds to the neck, though, my quick photo shoot turned into an all afternoon affair filled with laughter, joy, and brotherly love.

Later Evan said, "I never knew taking pictures could be so much fun!"

After taking 80 or so shots, I did manage to get one good picture. But I will save it for the Christmas card! 

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