Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Evan is Nine!

What a joy it was to be the mother of this sweet baby! I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have a baby that  never cried and slept through the night at two months.

It was even better to be the mother of this toddler. Oh, how he loved trucks, trains, and football!

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I had this adorable guy who would do anything to spend all day outside playing soccer, and you guessed it, football.

Then he started school, and it was amazing to watch him learn. He was a voracious reader and fell asleep every night with a book in one hand and an apple in the other dreaming about playing none other than football.

Just like that he became a boy with his own opinions, his own thoughts, and a deep desire to find justice in the world: at school, with his faith, and of course, on the football field.

It's difficult imagining the next year any better than the previous, but I know he is destined for great things. I can't wait to see what even better things await us!

Happy Birthday, Evan!

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