Monday, August 1, 2011

O Dark Thirty Has Arrived

I hate the morning. I hate it even more when it involves an alarm clock ringing at 5:15. Sadly, I must kiss my summer vacation good-bye because today was my first official day back at work. Can I just tell you that I have a bad feeling about this year? It can never be good when you awake on the first day back with dark circles under your eyes. I thought again about how a job working as a meteorologist for the local evening news just might be my new mid-life calling.

At 6:15 I awoke the boys. Keagan was convinced it was still night, but when I reminded him of our plans for the day with keywords like school, babysitter, and get up or you won't eat, he jumped up and said, "This day is jank, Mom! I get to go spend the day with K and M while you work!!"

Although I was happy to see him so excited about spending the day at the babysitter's, I am completely perplexed as to why he must use ghetto language in my house - especially in the morning when any sound is annoying but when I find ghetto language extremely annoying.

In an effort to stay current this school year, I have joined the group of 20 something, fresh-out-college, idealistic teachers who are blogging about their jobs. These are girls who use measuring sticks to create bulletin boards and who build furniture during the summer so that they can create the perfect cubby space. I do neither because I am not 20 something, I am not fresh out of college, and I am not Bob the Builder. With that said, I have created a class blog. 

It won't be nearly as cool as some of the others because it took me close to an hour to create my Voki avatar (those hair color choices can be difficult), and once school begins, time will be too precious to debate blue or green ever again.

O'Dark thirty is just around the corner. I have a feeling the boys won't find the alarm and leaving the bed jank tomorrow. I know I won't.

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