Thursday, August 18, 2011

Elementary Going on Elderly

I was only about seven years old, but I have one very vivid image of my sister and me riding in the backseat of my grandfather's yellow Cadillac listening to talk radio on NPR with a jar of Planters peanuts rolling around my feet. I vowed right then that I would never live such a life... nothing could be worse than a long car ride filled with talk radio and peanuts. Thirty years later, I don't find it so repulsive. The NPR talk radio that is. I would agree that long car rides are still one of the most horrible things a person can endure. Peanuts are a close second. Since we moved to the sticks, though, you can't listen to much of anything on the radio if it isn't NPR or country, and I have actually found myself completely entranced in an interview on robotic limbs and a conversation about the stagnant economies of Greece and Spain. Yesterday, on our way home from school, the boys and I listened to a story about snake charmers in India. The boys were fascinated by it, and I thought dear God, my boys are elementary aged going on elderly.

Every morning Evan wakes up and limps across the hallway to the bathroom. His ankles and heels tighten up while he is sleeping, and it can be painful for him to get out of bed. He has to hobble around the house to loosen them up before he can walk normally. The same thing happens to both Wes and me so he comes by it naturally. When you see your eight year old boy limp across the house, though, you can't help but think dear God, my boy is elementary aged going on elderly.

Last night a very strong thunderstorm struck. The gray clouds began to roll in, the wind picked up, and the temperature dropped a good twenty degrees. Keagan and I were on the back porch watching it unfold (because with 452 channels on our cable network, we couldn't find anything to watch on TV) when he looked at me and said, "Let's go watch the weather channel, Mom." And I thought, dear God, my boy is elementary aged going on elderly.

Next thing you know we will be eating dinner at 4:30 every night. Oh, wait! We already do! 

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