Monday, August 29, 2011

And One Became Five

Two months ago Maybelle decided to make our backporch her new home, and I was at the dollar store trying to find the smallest and cheapest bag of catfood possible. All the while, I was praying that we would return home to find her long gone.

Seven weeks ago I decided a really responsible person would take the stray cat to the vet and ensure it was healthy, and I was in complete shock when the vet technician asked me to hold the cat while she was vaccinated. I left with cat hair all over my clothes and completely disgusted with the idea of owning a pet.

Four weeks ago, Wes told me that I had indeed nursed the stray cat back to health with multiple feedings of Friskies. In fact, he informed me, she was healthy pregnant.

Last week, Maybelle went off to the woods to deliver her fist litter of kittens. I fretted for days over those kittens. I tried to get Maybelle to lead me to the kittens. I tried to reason with her about the dangers of the wood line and snakes. I tried cooing with her and I even tried speaking to her with stern looks. I knew then I had crossed the line into pet ownership.

Sunday afternoon she brought four of the sweetest looking kittens ever to the back porch, and I was smitten, but nothing could have prepared me for what I did next. I picked her up to give her one big kiss on the nose!

With that said, I have no plans to keep five cats. Please tell me you will take one home with you in about six weeks!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Steelers Football

My mom calls it the F word. I call it football. The boys call it fun. Anyway, you look at it, the fall sports season is upon us, and for this family, that includes tackle football. Keagan and Evan are on the same team again this season. We are playing for the black and gold because blue and silver wasn't an option. We were just relieved it wasn't red and gold because die hard Cowboy fans can't ever cheer for Redskins - even if it is pee-wee football. After this weekend's first practice in full pads, I think everyone would be in agreement with Wes's one word description of both boys on the field: dangerous.

After Saturday morning's early, early practice, I met the boys at the local sporting goods store. The boys needed football cleats. Wes said he needed to pick up some cups; I reminded him the boys both had brand new water bottles. I learned we were talking about two different kinds of cups. When we left the store, I decided the frequent buyer reward program would be my new best friend. We might have spent a few dollars this weekend on football gear.

But when you see this on the field, it is all worth it! GO STEELERS! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

He Said It

Evan: Mom, that car was OBESE!!

Me: You mean, BEAST?

Evan: Yeah, that car was OBEAST!

Keagan: Mom, you won't believe this, but my teacher has back eyes?

Me: You mean BLACK eyes?

Keagan: No, back eyes (as he points to the back of his head). She can see you do bad things without even looking at you.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Destination Birthday

We celebrated Keagan's 7th birthday this weekend at an amusement park. It was a destination birthday, and in my opinion, the best way to celebrate. We spent day one riding roller coasters and melting into the concrete.

We spent day two at the animal exhibit and then the water park.
I assure you I was a good distance away when this picture was taken. 

Later this afternoon we returned home to open the gifts our family sent.

After hearing me all week say, "No, you cannot open an early birthday gift", Keagan was bouncing off the walls with excitement.
We wrapped up the evening with ice cream cake.He picked this cake out himself. In fact, he was dancing around the freezer section of Dairy Queen when he saw this design. He was that excited.

But after seven years, anyone who knows Keagan knows he is prone to display a few dance moves every now and again.

As we put him to bed tonight, he whined, "Oh, I just wish it could last a little longer!"

I will take that to mean he had a wonderful weekend. Happy Birthday, Keagan!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Elementary Going on Elderly

I was only about seven years old, but I have one very vivid image of my sister and me riding in the backseat of my grandfather's yellow Cadillac listening to talk radio on NPR with a jar of Planters peanuts rolling around my feet. I vowed right then that I would never live such a life... nothing could be worse than a long car ride filled with talk radio and peanuts. Thirty years later, I don't find it so repulsive. The NPR talk radio that is. I would agree that long car rides are still one of the most horrible things a person can endure. Peanuts are a close second. Since we moved to the sticks, though, you can't listen to much of anything on the radio if it isn't NPR or country, and I have actually found myself completely entranced in an interview on robotic limbs and a conversation about the stagnant economies of Greece and Spain. Yesterday, on our way home from school, the boys and I listened to a story about snake charmers in India. The boys were fascinated by it, and I thought dear God, my boys are elementary aged going on elderly.

Every morning Evan wakes up and limps across the hallway to the bathroom. His ankles and heels tighten up while he is sleeping, and it can be painful for him to get out of bed. He has to hobble around the house to loosen them up before he can walk normally. The same thing happens to both Wes and me so he comes by it naturally. When you see your eight year old boy limp across the house, though, you can't help but think dear God, my boy is elementary aged going on elderly.

Last night a very strong thunderstorm struck. The gray clouds began to roll in, the wind picked up, and the temperature dropped a good twenty degrees. Keagan and I were on the back porch watching it unfold (because with 452 channels on our cable network, we couldn't find anything to watch on TV) when he looked at me and said, "Let's go watch the weather channel, Mom." And I thought, dear God, my boy is elementary aged going on elderly.

Next thing you know we will be eating dinner at 4:30 every night. Oh, wait! We already do! 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reunion Weekend

On Monday I put the final touches on my fourth grade classroom. It was perfect. On Tuesday at 11:00 I found out I was now teaching fifth grade. At 2:00 I found out I was changing classrooms. Perfect classroom was no more. I worked until 10:00 that night moving furniture, hanging bulletin boards, and scrubbing sticky tack off the walls because there was no way I was welcoming parents and students into an unfinished room. My new classroom looked even better than my old classroom by Wednesday at noon. It was just one stressful week. By Friday, I was more than ready for the weekend, but even better than the weekend was a weekend spent with the Davis family! It has been 13 months since we were last together, and it was so good to see them.

If you don't believe me, then just look at my boys' faces. They were so happy to be reunited with their friends from Virginia. We're hoping it isn't another 13 months before we see each other again. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Day of School

It was the first day of first grade, and Keagan said school was just okay. The highlight of the day, he reported, was the bus ride because they have a new stop this year and he couldn't believe his ears when "that country boy" got on the bus and told the bus driver, "Hiiii, my name is Bubba. What's yours?" Keagan relayed the story in perfect Georgian twang.

Today Evan started third grade and as usual, he had very little to report. He didn't even mention what he had for lunch.

In only nine hours we will be right back here: the neighborhood bus stop. I don't expect the same level of excitement or smiles.

Monday, August 1, 2011

O Dark Thirty Has Arrived

I hate the morning. I hate it even more when it involves an alarm clock ringing at 5:15. Sadly, I must kiss my summer vacation good-bye because today was my first official day back at work. Can I just tell you that I have a bad feeling about this year? It can never be good when you awake on the first day back with dark circles under your eyes. I thought again about how a job working as a meteorologist for the local evening news just might be my new mid-life calling.

At 6:15 I awoke the boys. Keagan was convinced it was still night, but when I reminded him of our plans for the day with keywords like school, babysitter, and get up or you won't eat, he jumped up and said, "This day is jank, Mom! I get to go spend the day with K and M while you work!!"

Although I was happy to see him so excited about spending the day at the babysitter's, I am completely perplexed as to why he must use ghetto language in my house - especially in the morning when any sound is annoying but when I find ghetto language extremely annoying.

In an effort to stay current this school year, I have joined the group of 20 something, fresh-out-college, idealistic teachers who are blogging about their jobs. These are girls who use measuring sticks to create bulletin boards and who build furniture during the summer so that they can create the perfect cubby space. I do neither because I am not 20 something, I am not fresh out of college, and I am not Bob the Builder. With that said, I have created a class blog. 

It won't be nearly as cool as some of the others because it took me close to an hour to create my Voki avatar (those hair color choices can be difficult), and once school begins, time will be too precious to debate blue or green ever again.

O'Dark thirty is just around the corner. I have a feeling the boys won't find the alarm and leaving the bed jank tomorrow. I know I won't.