Saturday, September 7, 2024

Let’s Go Witches

We slept in this morning,  and now we are ready for all things witches. The witch theme is pervasive all through the cute city. Some people are dressed in black, some are wearing black witches’ hats, and every store caters to the theme. Even TV witches are represented.

After brunch, we toured The Witch House, the home of the judge responsible for The Salem Witch Trials. 

Then we toured the beautiful English gardens of the Ropes House. 

Every building in the city has a story. Most are hundreds of years old, bursting with character, and painted in beautiful color schemes. Churches are no exceptions. 

The hour long trolley tour took us on a big loop around the city. 

Midafternoon we toured the House of Seven Gables, the setting for Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book, 

his birth place, 

and historical buildings that overlook the harbor. 

We had a delicious dinner downtown and drank more wine. Now it’s time to rest our feet before we continue tomorrow’s adventure. 

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