Saturday, September 21, 2024

Dr. Wallen

I had a mental health appointment on Friday afternoon in Knoxville with Dr. Wallen. 

Traffic was horrible getting into Knox. Eighty thousand people were trying to see the same doctor. I finally made it to the house to find we rented a total sketch three bedroom dump. 

But I got to spend the night with this guy. Nothing’s better than partying with your 21 year old. Evan saw a side of his mama he’s never seen before. He giggled at me during the first three songs and then just accepted my crazy. 

I was super excited to see my guy Tony (and his players) were chosen to walk out with Morgan - complete with the trophy, the flag, and the home run fur coat. Perfection!

We had great seats for the Eric Church and MW song! 

The orange fireworks. The Tennessee fan gear. 79,998 people (everybody but Vikki and Mal) singing Rocky Top. The chants of “It’s great. I say it’s great to be a Tennessee Vol.” The energy and solidarity cannot be matched. 

This was my fourth show and the best yet. I’m not sure the Tampa show can beat this! 

And the show ended with a date for his next new song. 

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