Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dinner Time

Me: Hey, Ev. I made something new for dinner tonight. Try it and tell me what you think. 

Evan: (A few minutes later.) Damn good. (Takes another bite.) Yeah, damn good. 😂

I think the zucchini chicken casserole is a keeper. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Beach Day 3

A little footie on the beach again today (read with an English accent). 


If he didn’t look like me, I’d swear he had long lost British parents. He has the accent, love for the English culture, and the passion for footie.

Dinner out on the town was scheduled for 6:00 because we hate waiting for tables and we are too old to be eating after 7:00 when we are in bed at 8:30. 

Tomorrow it is forecasted to storm. Do we wait it out and hope for afternoon sun, or hit the road back home one day early?

Monday, July 22, 2024

Beach Day 2

The gym.
Soccer tennis on the tennis courts.
Soccer on the beach sand.
Toes in the sand.

Football in the ocean. 

Pool time. 
Pizza for dinner.

We are pushing repeat again tomorrow.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Beach Time

It’s the last summer hurrah before we go back to school, back to a routine, and back to the grind. We are spending it at the beach. While the drive here can be brutal, the views are totally worth it.

Some family beach traditions never die. The boys played soccer tennis in the morning and some footie on the beach in the afternoon. 

During the mid-morning rain shower, I went to the spa and got a massage. Then I spent the afternoon soaking up the sun with my toes in the sand.

After a great steak dinner, we came home to a full moon rising just over the horizon. 

Tomorrow we are on repeat. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Smarter Than Me

I’m today years old to realize my baby is infinitely smarter than I am. I was skimming the pool working on my tan and not giving a care to anything academic while he was on the porch leading a Zoom biology tutoring session. 

I heard protein and then realized I had no idea what he was talking about. He was using words I had never even heard. Give me algebra, give me calculus even, but not biology. Another session is scheduled for today; I’m staying clear of the porch area. I can’t have my self-esteem fall any more than it did yesterday. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

36 Hours in Rental House

This weekend I flew to Tampa to see Morgan Wallen with one of my very best friends. Our flights were delayed and canceled, and I arrived to our Air B&B at 0145 in the early morning hours. The neighborhood was so sketch I asked my Uber driver to walk with me to the front door of the house. I was actually a little scared to fall asleep. I got about five hours of sleep before Jenny arrived early the next morning. First thing I did was look out the windows. Here was our view. 

Nothing says home like a school bus parked in the back yard. 

We had brunch at a Greek restaurant and headed back to the house to avoid a big thunderstorm. 

Two hours before the show start, we got an email that the show was canceled. Canceled! After paying for flights, paying exorbitant Uber surcharges for after hours rides, risking our lives in a sketch neighborhood, we didn’t even get to see our guy! We were so upset and we had to have something to drown our sorrows. We headed to the sketch corner store for wine. I was doubtful we would find anything, but we shouldn’t have doubted the Sunoco. 

Quality Sutter wine right here. Los muchachos next door we’re getting high. Don't think for a second it didn’t cross my mind to join them. 

We will see you, Tampa, again in October! Our guy better be well and be prepared for a terrific show!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Quiet Fourth

No girlfriends. No family. Just the four of us with the pool, great food, and fireworks. 

The 22 days following the fourth will go by in 2.2 days. It will be the fastest three weeks of my life. Summer has been so good for me; I don’t want it to end.